Modeling and computation of growth in soft biological matter
Modelling and simulation of nonlinear electro-thermo-visco-elastic EAPs(Electronic Electro-Active Polymers)
The numerical modeling and simulation of the behavior of EEAPs (Electronic Electro-Active Polymers) under electric loading is considered in this proposal. Despite the fact that efforts have been made to simulate the behavior of EEAPs, work still needs to be done to model the electro-thermo-mechanical interaction in a body undergoing large deformation and being subjected to the influence of the free space surrounding the material body. First of all, until now there exists no thermo-dynamically consistent…
BRAINIACS: BRAIn mechaNIcs ACross Scales: Linking microstructure, mechanics and pathology
The current research project aims to develop microstructurallymotivated mechanical models for brain tissue that facilitate early diagnosticsof neurodevelopmental or neurodegenerative diseases and enable the developmentof novel treatment strategies. In a first step, we will experimentallycharacterize the behavior of brain tissue across scales by using versatiletesting techniques on the same sample. Through an accompanying microstructuralanalysis of both cellular and extra-cellular components,…
Multiscale modeling of nervous tissue: comprehensively linking microstructure, pathology, and mechanics
Novel Biopolymer Hydrogels for Understanding Complex Soft Tissue Biomechanics
This project involves manufacturing biopolymer hydrogels and cataloguing their mechanical properties. They serve as replacement materials in order to understand and model the highly-complex behaviour of soft biological tissue. The aim is to generate a catalogue of replacement materials for various soft tissue that links the specific characteristics of their mechanical responses with the relevant modelling approach. This catalogue could make the process of selecting suitable materials for 3D printing of artificial organs or generating suitable models for prognostic simulations considerably easier in the future.
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Biomechanics and optimal control simulations of the human upper extremity (Dissertation, 2014) :
Optimal control simulations of human arm motion
GAMM Annual Meeting (Darmstadt, 26. March 2012 - 30. June 2012)
In: Proc. Appl. Math. Mech (PAMM) 2012
DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201210041 , :
On optical data-guided optimal control simulations of human motion
In: Multibody System Dynamics (2019), p. 1-22
ISSN: 1384-5640
DOI: 10.1007/s11044-019-09701-4 , , , , :