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Institute of Applied Mechanics
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Department Maschinenbau
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Technische Fakultät
Department Maschinenbau
Institute of Applied Mechanics
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Novel Biopolymer Hydrogels for Understanding Complex Soft Tissue Biomechanics
BRAIn mechaNIcs ACross Scales: Linking microstructure, mechanics and pathology
Multiscale modeling of nervous tissue: comprehensively linking microstructure, pathology, and mechanics
Modelling and simulation of nonlinear electro-thermo-visco-elastic EAPs(Electronic Electro-Active Polymers)
Modeling and computation of growth in soft biological matter
Contact mechanics
Material modelling of sheet-layered lamination stacks
Reduced order modelling of non-linear gyroscopic systems in ALE formulation with frictional contact
A coupled MD-FE simulation method accounting for interphases in nanoparticle filled thermoplastics.
C1: Constitutive friction law for the description and optimization of tailored surfaces
Material Mechanics
On the Formulation and the Micromechanical Origin of Non-Classical Models of Diffusion
Mehrskalenmodellierung und -simulation der Mechanik von Materialien mit Faserstruktur
BRAIn mechaNIcs ACross Scales: Linking microstructure, mechanics and pathology
A coupled MD-FE simulation method accounting for interphases in nanoparticle filled thermoplastics.
Modelling and simulation of nonlinear electro-thermo-visco-elastic EAPs(Electronic Electro-Active Polymers)
Modeling and computation of growth in soft biological matter
Teilprojekt P11 – Fracture Control by Material Optimization
Teilprojekt P8 – Fracture in Polymer Composites: Meso to Macro
Novel Biopolymer Hydrogels for Understanding Complex Soft Tissue Biomechanics
A coupled MD-FE simulation method accounting for interphases in nanoparticle filled thermoplastics.
Teilprojekt P5 – Compressive Failure in Porous Materials
Modelling and simulation of nonlinear electro-thermo-visco-elastic EAPs(Electronic Electro-Active Polymers)
Modeling and computation of solvent penetration in glassy polymers
Modeling and computation of growth in soft biological matter
Multi-scale modeling of nano-structured polymeric materials: from chemistry to materials performance
Multiscale modeling of nervous tissue: comprehensively linking microstructure, pathology, and mechanics
Fractures across Scales: Integrating Mechanics, Materials Science, Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics/ Skalenübergreifende Bruchvorgänge: Integration von Mechanik, Materialwissenschaften, Mathematik, Chemie und Physik
Kontinuumsmechanische Modellierung und Simulation der Aushärtung und Inelastizität von Polymeren sowie Interphasen in Klebverbunden
Bridging scales – from Quantum Mechanics to Continuum Mechanics. A Finite Element approach.
Teilprojekt P12 – Postdoctoral Project: Quantum-to-Continuum Model of Thermoset Fracture
A hybrid Sampling-Stochastic-Finite-Element-Method for polymorphic, microstructural uncertainties in heterogeneous materials
Mikroskalige Charakterisierungsmethoden zur Kalibrierung von Stoffgesetzen für Biomaterialien und Kunststoffe
Electronic electro-active polymers under electric loading: Experiment, modeling and simulation
Material modelling of sheet-layered lamination stacks
Teilprojekt P6 – Fracture in Thermoplastics: Discrete-to-Continuum
Teilprojekt P10 – Configurational Fracture/Surface Mechanics
Multi-scale, Multi-physics Modelling and Computation of magneto-sensitive POLYmeric materials
Identifikation von Interphaseneigenschaften in Nanokompositen
Discrete and Continuous Methods for Modelling and Simulation of Polymeric Materials
Material modelling of sheet-layered lamination stacks
On the Modelling and Computation of Magneto-Sensitive-Elastomers
Mehrskalenmodellierung und -simulation der Mechanik von Materialien mit Faserstruktur
Uncertainty Quantification
C3: Parameter and shape optimization in finite elastoplasticity
Fuzzy-arithmetical modeling of processes with uncertain prarameters
A hybrid Sampling-Stochastic-Finite-Element-Method for polymorphic, microstructural uncertainties in heterogeneous materials
A hybrid Sampling-Stochastic-Finite-Element-Method for polymorphic, microstructural uncertainties in heterogeneous materials
Multiscale mechanics
BRAIn mechaNIcs ACross Scales: Linking microstructure, mechanics and pathology
BRAIn mechaNIcs ACross Scales: Linking microstructure, mechanics and pathology
Teilprojekt P6 – Fracture in Thermoplastics: Discrete-to-Continuum
Teilprojekt P10 – Configurational Fracture/Surface Mechanics
Teilprojekt P11 – Fracture Control by Material Optimization
Teilprojekt P8 – Fracture in Polymer Composites: Meso to Macro
Novel Biopolymer Hydrogels for Understanding Complex Soft Tissue Biomechanics
Novel Biopolymer Hydrogels for Understanding Complex Soft Tissue Biomechanics
BRAIn mechaNIcs ACross Scales: Linking microstructure, mechanics and pathology
Teilprojekt P6 – Fracture in Thermoplastics: Discrete-to-Continuum
Teilprojekt P5 – Compressive Failure in Porous Materials
Multi-scale, Multi-physics Modelling and Computation of magneto-sensitive POLYmeric materials
Multi-scale modeling of nano-structured polymeric materials: from chemistry to materials performance
Identifikation von Interphaseneigenschaften in Nanokompositen
Novel Biopolymer Hydrogels for Understanding Complex Soft Tissue Biomechanics
Mesoscopic modelling and simulation of properties of additively manufactured metallic parts (C5)
Teilprojekt P5 – Compressive Failure in Porous Materials
Discrete and Continuous Methods for Modelling and Simulation of Polymeric Materials
Multi-scale, Multi-physics Modelling and Computation of magneto-sensitive POLYmeric materials
Multiscale modeling of nervous tissue: comprehensively linking microstructure, pathology, and mechanics
Multiscale modeling of nervous tissue: comprehensively linking microstructure, pathology, and mechanics
Multi-scale modeling of nano-structured polymeric materials: from chemistry to materials performance
Fractures across Scales: Integrating Mechanics, Materials Science, Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics/ Skalenübergreifende Bruchvorgänge: Integration von Mechanik, Materialwissenschaften, Mathematik, Chemie und Physik
Identifikation von Interphaseneigenschaften in Nanokompositen
Bridging scales – from Quantum Mechanics to Continuum Mechanics. A Finite Element approach.
Teilprojekt P12 – Postdoctoral Project: Quantum-to-Continuum Model of Thermoset Fracture
Mikroskalige Charakterisierungsmethoden zur Kalibrierung von Stoffgesetzen für Biomaterialien und Kunststoffe
Multiscale modeling of nervous tissue: comprehensively linking microstructure, pathology, and mechanics
Fractures across Scales: Integrating Mechanics, Materials Science, Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics/ Skalenübergreifende Bruchvorgänge: Integration von Mechanik, Materialwissenschaften, Mathematik, Chemie und Physik
Bridging scales – from Quantum Mechanics to Continuum Mechanics. A Finite Element approach.
Teilprojekt P12 – Postdoctoral Project: Quantum-to-Continuum Model of Thermoset Fracture
Mikroskalige Charakterisierungsmethoden zur Kalibrierung von Stoffgesetzen für Biomaterialien und Kunststoffe
Process Simulation
Experimentell basierte Modellierung, Simulation und Kompensation thermischer Einflüsse beim Drehen mesoheterogener Werkstoffe aus Al-MMC.
Macroscopic modeling, simulation, and optimization of the selective beam melting process (C3)
Simulations- und versuchsbasierte Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung zwischen Zerspanprozess und Maschinenstruktur beim Hochleistungsflachschleifen
Experimentell basierte Modellierung, Simulation und Kompensation thermischer Einflüsse beim Drehen mesoheterogener Werkstoffe aus Al-MMC. Phase 2
Structural dynamics
Reduced order modelling of non-linear gyroscopic systems in ALE formulation with frictional contact
Vibration reduction by energy transfer using shape adaption
Structural dynamics of rotating systems
Investigation and reduction of nonlinear oscillation systems using modal approaches
Reduced order modelling of non-linear gyroscopic systems in ALE formulation with frictional contact
Teilprojekt P11 – Fracture Control by Material Optimization
Teilprojekt P11 – Fracture Control by Material Optimization
Teilprojekt P8 – Fracture in Polymer Composites: Meso to Macro
Teilprojekt P8 – Fracture in Polymer Composites: Meso to Macro
Structural optimization of shape and topology using an embedding domain discretization technique
Discrete and Continuous Methods for Modelling and Simulation of Polymeric Materials
Discrete and Continuous Methods for Modelling and Simulation of Polymeric Materials
Teilprojekt P10 – Configurational Fracture/Surface Mechanics
Teilprojekt P11 – Fracture Control by Material Optimization
Adaptive finite elements based on sensitivities for topological mesh changes
Teilprojekt P8 – Fracture in Polymer Composites: Meso to Macro
Discrete and Continuous Methods for Modelling and Simulation of Polymeric Materials
Teilprojekt P10 – Configurational Fracture/Surface Mechanics
Other Projects
A numerical model of translational and rotational momentum transfer of small on-spherical rigid particles in fluid dominated two-phase flows
Fracture Across Scales and Materials, Processes and Disciplines
Fracture across Scales: Integrating Mechanics, Materials Science, Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics (FRASCAL)
Numerical and experimental study of the deposition of micro-sized non-spherical solid particles in the nasal cavity
Portal Research
LTM juniors
Portal Teaching
Invited talks
Portal Activities
Institute of Applied Mechanics
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Institute of Applied Mechanics
Invited talks
International Congress Engineering of Advanced Materials ICEAM 2017